However, there is one ubiquitous piece of clothing where there is a culturally wide understood rubric for wearing. That, my friends, is the Three Wolf Moon shirt:
Yes. Let me break down the general interpretation our society has for a male wearing this shirt, based on age:
0-12 yrs: You have very cruel parents.
13-27: You are a hipster.
28-52: You are a virgin.
53-100: You either forgot how to do laundry or just don't give a fuck anymore.
101+: You are God.
If you are a female, the breakdown remains the same, but in addition you are a furry and you probably enjoy watching annoying anime.
My question is: what if I run across a normal looking guy/girl walking down the street, perhaps on their way to pick up prescriptions from the drug store or getting a Jamba Juice, wearing this shirt? Could it be that they don't know? Should I go up to them and tell them? Warn them of the dangers associated with wearing a Three Wolf Moon t-shirt? I know with certainty that everyone else around would be silently judging them, thinking they are a hipster virgin with parent issues. Would I be just as cruel as the silent judgers for not giving this single victim enlightenment?is
Nah, what am I talking about, I'd be laughing my ass off on the inside.
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